Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April showers

I keep trying to tell mom all the mud being tracked in the house is pretty funny.
Can you see the blossoms on the trees?
How about the green grass?
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Stephen & April Pett said...

Andy is getting sooo big! He's adorable! Also I cannot wait to see you in a week!! LOVE YOU!

mark and jane said...

Finally, pics! Abby is getting prettier and prettier all the time. She's a doll. Andy's a pretty baby too. Hey, and that dog is perfect. Fits the family great! He looks loved to death!

Jacob & Tia Sampson said...

My how the kids are growing. They look so grown up and Andy is adorable - like all of your kids. Hope all is well for you guys in KC.

Tanya said...

Well, well, well - you CAN comment! :) My little guilt trip worked. It's shameless but I love the high numbers - so thanks! I can't wait for Cord and Andy to meet too. I think they are going to be TROUBLE when they're together. At least we won't have to worry about them sneaking away "getting married" and "kissing" like some other little cousins I know. ;)