Wednesday, October 15, 2008

At the Hospital

Grandma Foster
Grandpa Foster
Dad was sworn into the Kansas Bar. Mom missed the exciting event.
The hospital bed and t.v. are more exciting than the baby.
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Giggles said...

I'm glad you put the captions. I was thinking that was one real big birth certificate for such a small baby.

Congratulations on all of the exciting happenings in your family.

Tara said...


Sara Lynes said...

Congradulations!!! I am so happy for you! It seems like we are almost on the same crazy track except you have a girl in the mix. I know what you mean about the tv being more important than the baby. My boys were the same way. Congradualtions to Joey too!

Lady Carolyn said...

Wow that's a big day of wonderful news! I'm so happy for you guys!